Using a public washroom? Here’s how you can stay safe!
Since the pandemic began, doctors around the world have been emphasizing on the importance of staying safe by wearing a mask and making sure that our hands are always clean. Now that the pandemic’s intensity has dialed down and most of the commercial places are open to the public, we must not let our guard down. When out in public, there is certainly a possibility that one would need to visit the washroom – A public washroom.
Here are some things you need to keep in mind if you’re using a public washroom and want to remain safe:
1. If we cover, the country will recover.
Whether the pandemic’s intensity is high or low, we must remain cautious. By now, the whole world has been made aware of the fact that wearing a mask is imperative and you must absolutely follow this practice if you are visiting a public washroom. It would be ideal if the washroom is designed in such a way that it remains well ventilated. Research shows that the air in a properly vented bathroom leaves the room promptly and hence no aerosol droplets would persist for long.
2. Your hands. Your sanitizer.
The public washroom that you visit may or may not have a hand sanitizer inside. Imagine being stuck there after using the toilet and not being able to clean your hands. The best way to make sure your hands are clean after using a public washroom is to carry your personal hand sanitizer. This way you can keep your hands clean even if the washroom doesn’t have an installed soap dispenser.
3. No touching!
Surfaces in public restrooms, as you may know, are potential germ vectors. It’s crucial to be cautious of such surfaces, particularly during a pandemic when the virus is easily spread. Instead of using your hands to open and push the door in a public restroom, use your elbows or feet. If there are paper towels available in the restroom, use them to wipe down surfaces like bathroom faucets and door handles. It would be fantastic if you decided to bring a couple toilet seat covers with you to use as needed. When you’ve finished washing your hands, properly turn off the faucet, sanitize your hands and depart the public restroom in the same manner that you arrived.
4. Avoid the hand dryer
Research shows that hot air hand dryers can be potential germ carriers and also release bacteria and other viruses gathered from the bathroom air, directly onto your hands. Most of us are oblivious to this till date and must immediately stop relying on hand dryers, if using a public washroom. One great alternative would be to carry some disposable paper towels whenever you go out in public.
5. Social distancing is the way to go
Social distance is one of the most well-known concepts of the previous year. Celebrities, influencers, and governments all around the globe have emphasised the need of adhering to social distance standards. So why should your visit to the public restroom be any different? You can’t avoid sharing the toilet seat with strangers or touching the health faucet, but you can maintain proper social distance before and after using the toilet. The farther you stay from others, the closer you get to safety.
6. If it isn’t essential, it doesn’t have to accompany you.
When you’re visiting the public washroom, you must ensure that you’re only carrying the absolute essentials with you, such as a hand sanitizer, tissue papers, preferably a toilet seat cover and a handy soap strip. Avoid carrying your phone or any other gadgets and instead, place them somewhere safe like your vehicle or restaurant table, depending on where you are.
7. Make it quick!
When going to a public washroom, another key thing to remember is that you have to get in fast and get out even faster, once you’re done taking care of your business there. The sooner you leave and get back into an open air space, the safer you are going to be.
Bonus tip: The best way to stay safe if you use a public washroom is to avoid using it altogether. Simply put, make sure that you go relieve yourself of a nature call before you step out of the house. This will reduce the chances of you having to use a public toilet!
So, the next time you visit a public washroom, follow all the above mentioned tips and stay safe. Once you get back home, step into the bathroom and have a great shower to clean up and rinse off the stress!