Green Innovation – Building a greener tomorrow starts at home!
The constant advancement of technology and the rapid pace at which the world is developing in general, tends to take a toll on the very reason of our existence – Mother Nature.
At Kerovit, we believe that the R in Freedom stands for ‘Responsibility’. We take responsibility for the planet and are in a pursuit to make it a better place for everyone. Conservation of water, the life-nurturing natural resource, is a high priority goal for us. The efforts we make to help preserve this planet for generations to come are Green Innovation technologies. It’s our sustainable approach towards various manufacturing processes and to deliver efficient Sanitaryware & Faucet consumer products.
What is Green Innovation?
Green Innovation technologies deliver the goals of creating sustainable societies and economies to preserve the planet’s health for future generations. They are key mechanisms required to respond to climate change and support the need of the hour for us to live well within the limits of the planet.
Green Innovation is essentially a culmination of technologies that we incorporate into our products, which can help in the preservation of the environment for the years to come. Being a brand that excels at creating unique and iconic faucet and sanitaryware products in India, we surely understand the unparalleled importance of water in our lives. Hence, propagating the practice of judicious use of water lays the foundation for Green Innovation. We take immense pride in dedicatedly channelizing our efforts into this highly sustainable approach, which is used in several of our manufacturing processes. We continue to thrive on delivering high quality and eco-efficient faucet and sanitaryware consumer products.
How do we do it?
We implement our Green Innovation technologies right from the beginning stage, which is at the manufacturing plants. The processes we use to manufacture our products are carried out keeping the agenda of sustainability in mind.
‘Zero Liquid Discharge’, which is also known as ZLD, is a principle that we passionately follow, in order to do full justice to our idea of Green Innovation. To elaborate, ZLD is a treatment process wherein the manufacturing plants don’t discharge absolutely any amount of liquid waste or sewage into the surface waters. This completely eliminates the aspect of environmental pollution that is usually caused by the process of treatment. Water conservation is another facet that’s taken care of under this method, as it makes the best possible use of wastewater management, recycling and even reusing.
Transparent to environment technology
Faucet Aerator
These are small screens attached at the tip of the faucets, made with sophisticated German technology. Faucet aerators help in daily water savings by separating the progression of water into numerous little streams, adding air in the middle, giving out higher flow and simultaneously reducing the volume of the water. They decrease the sprinkling of water in the basin and also maintain the high-pressure water flow. These aerators come as standard with our complete range of faucets.
Sensor Urinal
Sensor Urinals are handsfree to operate thus hygienic, keeping the germs and bacteria from spreading. It reduces water wastage by auto flushing on detecting movement. The auto flush technology of the Sensor Urinals is especially important as many people forget to flush after using standard urinals. Even if they do flush after use, they tend to forget about turning off the flush; this results in a significant wastage of water on a regular basis. Hence, the handsfree and technology driven nature of Sensor Urinals can easily tackle this loophole and help in water savings as well.
Air Showers
In order to optimise water consumption while taking bath, the Air Shower lives up to its name. There is an aeration unit which is inbuilt in these kinds of showers and combines the flow of water and air pressure in a way that instead of 100% water flowing out, it uses 70% water and 30% air. This way you can even be saving water in the bathroom while you take a bath!
Sensor Faucet
The most seamless way we blend daily hygiene with daily water savings is through the Sensor Faucet. It ensures zero water wastage by only allowing water to flow based on motion detection of your hands, which is done by a sensor placed inside the faucet itself. This touchless technology of Sensor Faucets makes them ideal for your bathroom, as they’re both hygienic and highly economic with regards to saving water while washing hands.
Single Lever Basin Mixer
Single-lever basin mixer with 2 step operating cartridge eco function has a low water consumption as compared to two-handle mixer taps. This single-lever basin mixer helps you to precisely control the flow and temperature of water with ease. As shown in the image, this basin mixer allows you to choose the intensity of the flow. The single lever can set the flow and volume of water to ‘medium’ and is hence called “Eco”. Upon use, you will notice that the lever smoothly locks in at “Eco” firmly. If you wish to have a higher flow of water, you can comfortably lift the lever further and the final stage of the lever motion brings out “Full” flow from the faucet. It also takes less time to set a comfortable temperature and hence there is less unused water wastage.
Push Tap
Push Tap switches off automatically, and the risk of a tap accidentally being left on is eliminated. A Push Tap in the bathroom provides ease of use & hygiene, as it can be operated with the palm or elbow and offer significant water-saving.
Tornado Flush
Tornado Flush with the rimless design, projects a powerful jet of water from inside the bowl, creating a whirlpool effect that along with gravity creates a powerful flush, maximising the cleaning of the entire surface in a quieter & water-efficient way.
Dual Flush
Dual Flush comes with separate flush mechanisms for solid and liquid waste, enabling less water wastage by using only the required amount of water to flush every time.
While it is certainly true that mother nature finds ways to heal itself, we at Kerovit do our bit in making the process easier through Green Innovation.
The grass is surely greener on this side. Come take a walk. 🙂